Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum


Luke Humphries A3 – Luke Humphries is a man of the people and it is evident when you watch the OTB Skins matches by GK Pro. He loves his goodest boy Hogan, and is a real rock hound, searching all over the country for the next big find. This stamp encapsulates Luke perfectly, our friend Pirate Nate did this stamp and it looks absolutely amazing. The crystal roots look great under the silhouette of Luke and Hogan. This stamp looks great on Prodigy’s 750 Spectrum plastic. The A3 is a great approach disc that is a touch overstable without being too beefy. Help support Luke today and grab a Luke Humphries A3 today!

Prodigy says this about the mold: “The Prodigy Disc A3 is an overstable utility disc that fills the gap between midranges and putters. The A3 is perfect for strong to above average throwers who want to avoid the possibility of their shot turning over. The disc is consistent and reliable in all wind conditions and perfect for short, trick shots as well as high wind.”

Flight Numbers: Speed: 4 Glide: 4 Turn: 0 Fade: 3

Editor’s Note (5/10/22) – Most of these fell right in between Somewhat Domey and Pretty Domey. For the most part, there was not a huge difference in the domes.

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Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - blend-pinkgreen - green-fracture - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 172g - 172-5g Blend – Pink/Green Green Fracture (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 172g 172.5g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - blend-pink-yellow-2 - green-fracture - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 172g - 172-0g Blend – Pink / Yellow Green Fracture (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 172g 172.0g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - green - green-fracture - neutral - somewhat-gummy - 173g - 173-0g Green Green Fracture (4) – Neutral Flatness (3) – Somewhat Gummy 173g 173.0g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - yellow - rainbow-rasta - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 173g - 173-6g Yellow Rainbow – Rasta (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 173g 173.6g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - dark-purple - gold - somewhat-domey - neutral - 173g - 173-4g Dark Purple Gold (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 173.4g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - peach - bronze-mini-dots - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 174g - 174-2g Peach Bronze Mini Dots (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 174g 174.2g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - orange - gold - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 173g - 172-5g Orange Gold (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 173g 172.5g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - dark-green - blue-circles - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 174g - 174-7g Dark Green Blue Circles (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 174g 174.7g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - green - bronze - somewhat-domey - somewhat-gummy - 173g - 173-4g Green Bronze (5) – Somewhat Domey (3) – Somewhat Gummy 173g 173.4g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - gray - red-lines - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 174-9g Gray Red Lines (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 174.9g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - black-grey - red-lines - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 174-9g Black/Grey Red Lines (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 174.9g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - orange - red-lines - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 175-1g Orange Red Lines (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.1g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - orange - red-lines - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 175-2g Orange Red Lines (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.2g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - blend-redblack - gold-disco-squares - somewhat-domey - neutral - 172g - 173-2g Blend – Red/Black Gold Disco Squares (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 172g 173.2g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - orange - red - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 174-8g Orange Red (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 174.8g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - orange - red-explosion-holographic - somewhat-domey - neutral - 174g - 174-8g Orange Red Explosion Holographic (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 174.8g $24.99
Luke Humphries A3 – 750 Spectrum - blend-greengrey - red-explosion-holographic - somewhat-domey - neutral - 173g - 174-0g Blend – Green/Grey Red Explosion Holographic (5) – Somewhat Domey (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 174.0g $24.99


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