Huk Lab Splice


Neo Splice – The Splice is an overstable workhorse that is perfect for big forehands, hyzers, and headwind putts. The comfortable feel in the hand makes it perfect for all hand sizes and forehands and backhands. This 9 speed disc slots in perfectly into the Discmania lineup and will be a disc that you can rip into headwinds as hard as you can. The Neo plastic is a great blend of grip and durability that will hold its stability for a long time. Make sure you grab a Discmania Neo Splice today!3

Discmania says this about the mold: “Merging control and overstability, the Splice is a very overstable and accurate fairway driver with low glide. This disc fits well to a variety of different grips and it can be trusted even in the fiercest of headwinds. Great for all types of shots where you need extreme stability and reliability of the disc. This disc also makes sidearm throws more predictable, even if you are not so skilled at them.”

SKU: huk-lab-neo-splice Categories: , Tag:
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 174-1g - white Pink White (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 174.1g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-1g - white Pink White (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.1g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-6g - gold Pink Gold (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.6g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-2g - gold Pink Gold (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.2g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-3g - red-fracture Pink Red Fracture (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.3g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 174-1g - red-fracture Pink Red Fracture (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 174.1g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-6g - red-fracture Pink Red Fracture (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.6g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-2g - rainbow Pink Rainbow (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.2g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 174-4g - rainbow Pink Rainbow (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 174.4g $21.99
Huk Lab Splice - pink - somewhat-flat - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 173-5g - rainbow Pink Rainbow (3) – Somewhat Flat (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 173.5g $21.99


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