Hardy Butter


Hardy Butter – The flagship putter from Clash Discs, the Butter is a great feeling disc that is perfect for both in the circle putts and tee shots. It is a relatively straight flyer that can be ripped on with confidence. Whether you need a new putter for all your in the circle needs or a new putter off the tee the Clash Discs Hardy Butter is exactly that, butter!

Clash Discs says this about the mold: “Butter is a beadless straight putter with the minimal fade. The profile is well rounded, giving a smooth release. Compared to Popcorn Butter is slightly deeper, slower and a bit more stable.”

SKU: hrdy-butter Categories: , Tag:
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - somewhat-stiff - 173g - 171-8g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (5) – Somewhat Stiff 173g 171.8g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - somewhat-flat - pretty-stiff - 173g - 171-4g - red Blue Red (3) – Somewhat Flat (6) – Pretty Stiff 173g 171.4g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - somewhat-stiff - 172g - 171-8g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (5) – Somewhat Stiff 172g 171.8g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - somewhat-stiff - 171g - 171-8g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (5) – Somewhat Stiff 171g 171.8g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - neutral - 171g - 172-0g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 171g 172.0g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - somewhat-stiff - 171g - 171-8g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (5) – Somewhat Stiff 171g 171.8g $14.99
Hardy Butter - blue - neutral - pretty-stiff - 171g - 171-8g - red Blue Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (6) – Pretty Stiff 171g 171.8g $14.99
Hardy Butter - orange - neutral - pretty-stiff - 171g - 171-9g - blue-holographic Orange Blue Holographic (4) – Neutral Flatness (6) – Pretty Stiff 171g 171.9g $14.99


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