ESP Swirly Stratus – Ledgestone 2024 – Season 2


Z Swirl Stratus – The Stratus is a great understable disc that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Newer players will achieve lots of distance and more experienced players will find this disc great for rollers. The Z Swirl plastic has a good feel and will beat in quickly. This run is a part of Season 2 of the 2024 Ledgestone release. Make sure you grab a Z Swirl Stratus today!

Discraft says this about the mold: “The Stratus is great for beginners as well as pros. Easy to throw, it will fly straight at low to mid speeds, or fade to an anhyzer at higher speeds. A well-worn Stratus will flip flat when thrown on a hard hyzer. Try it for roller shots too!”



SKU: esp-swrl-ledstn-2024-stratus Categories: , Tags: ,
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Stamp Foil 2 Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - dark-pink - teal - pink-lines - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 156-4g Dark Pink Teal Pink Lines (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 156.4g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - blend-whitepink - teal - silver-holographic - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 157-1g Blend – White/Pink Teal Silver Holographic (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 157.1g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - pink - teal - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 156-5g Pink Teal Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 156.5g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - pink - teal - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 157-6g Pink Teal Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 157.6g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - orange - blue-shamrock - pink-lines - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 151-154g - 155-1g Orange Blue Shamrock Pink Lines (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 151-154g 155.1g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - light-green - blue - gold-stars - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 157-6g Light Green Blue Gold Stars (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 157.6g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - blend-blue-pink - teal - pink-lines - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 156-8g Blend – Blue/Pink Teal Pink Lines (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 156.8g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - pink - silver-stars - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 157-8g Pink Silver Stars Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 157.8g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - pink - silver-stars - silver-hexagons - pretty-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 158-1g Pink Silver Stars Silver Hexagons (2) – Pretty Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 158.1g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - blue - teal - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - somewhat-gummy - 155-159g - 157-5g Blue Teal Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 155-159g 157.5g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - blend-blue-pink - teal - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - pretty-gummy - 155-159g - 157-7g Blend – Blue/Pink Teal Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 155-159g 157.7g $21.99
ESP Swirly Stratus - Ledgestone 2024 - Season 2 - blend-whitepink - blue-shamrock - silver-holographic - pretty-flat - pretty-gummy - 151-154g - 152-2g Blend – White/Pink Blue Shamrock Silver Holographic (2) – Pretty Flat (2) – Pretty Gummy 151-154g 152.2g $21.99


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