Cosmic Electron Medium Envy

Cosmic Electron Envy – A sweet variation of the awesome Envy mold in the gorgeous Cosmic swirl plastic! The Electron plastic is very grippy – with plenty of stiffness for a clean release out of the hand.  If you dig the Envy or are looking for a nice slightly overstable Putt and Approach disc, check out this run today!

Axiom says this about the mold: “The Envy has a smooth modern feel that fits in the hand perfectly, lending confidence for both putt and approach duties. The Envy exhibits reliable high-speed stability and a minimal fade. With a slightly lower profile and cruising speed than the Ion and Anode class, the Envy is a uniquely “lid-like” stable putter.”

SKU: csmc-ntrn-mdm-envy Categories: ,

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