Apex Diamondback


Diamondback – Mint Discs has been pumping out molds with regularity since they first dropped the Alpha. Next in line is the Diamondback, a neutral flying 9 speed that gets some turn and a consistent fade. This is a disc that can be thrown by players of all skill levels, newer players will love this disc as their main driver while more advanced players will love the smooth turnovers this disc provides. Make sure you grab a Mint Discs Diamondback today.

Mint Discs says this about the mold: “A step above our slower fairway drivers, the Diamondback is a Speed 9 that offers a neutral flight at high speeds and reliable fade for lower arm speeds. It’s faster than the Alpha, with more turn than the Grackle. Some Mint Pro’s are giving it high praise by calling it their longer Mustang. It’s starting to sound like it might be our best disc yet…”

SKU: dmndbck-apex Categories: , Tags: ,
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Apex Diamondback - blend-bluegreen - neutral - neutral - 172g - 174-5g - flag Blend – Blue/Green Flag (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 172g 174.5g $19.99
Apex Diamondback - blend-redpink - neutral - neutral - 173g - 173-6g - redsilver-smoke Blend – Red/Pink Red/Silver Smoke (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 173.6g $19.99
Apex Diamondback - redpink - neutral - neutral - 172g - 173-6g - green-camo Red/Pink Green Camo (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 172g 173.6g $19.99
Apex Diamondback - orange - neutral - neutral - 172g - 173-3g - wonder-bread Orange Wonder Bread (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 172g 173.3g $19.99
Apex Diamondback - purple - neutral - neutral - 173g - 173-6g - redsilver-smoke Purple Red/Silver Smoke (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 173.6g $19.99


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