Anthony Barela TI Color-shift Zone


AB Took down the win in Florida. The inaugural at Paul McBeth’s new baby. Anthony has been at it for a while, so help us celebrate his 1st DGPT victory in style. This Color-shift TI Plastic feels and looks amazing.

Titanium Colorshift Plastic

Titanium, or Ti plastic, is Discraft’s ultra premium plastic blend. It is a high performance blend that provides pro-level grip and durability with a pearly appearance. The Ti Color-shift blend provides the perfect combination of grip and durability with attractive color swirls.


SKU: ab-ti-clrshft-zone Categories: , Tag:
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Anthony Barela TI Color-shift Zone - colorshift-pink-to-blue - red-squares - somewhat-flat - neutral - 173-174g - 178-4g Colorshift – Pink to Blue Red Squares (3) – Somewhat Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173-174g 178.4g $19.99
Anthony Barela TI Color-shift Zone - blend-bluegrey - red - somewhat-flat - neutral - 173-174g - 175-6g Blend – Blue/Grey Red (3) – Somewhat Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173-174g 175.6g $19.99
Anthony Barela TI Color-shift Zone - blend-bluegrey - silver-hexagons - somewhat-flat - neutral - 173-174g - 175-2g Blend – Blue/Grey Silver Hexagons (3) – Somewhat Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173-174g 175.2g $19.99


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