Squall – Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex


Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex Squall – The Squall is an extremely straight flying and good feeling midrange. It is a disc that is fast for a midrange but way slower than a fairway driver. It has an amazing feel in the hand in the Glow Flex, in this plastic they fly dead straight the entire flight. They are pretty gummy but have an amazing look and feel that you are sure to love. The Squall is the perfect disc to hold any line you want and is great if you need something a touch faster than an Aftershock but slower than the Pipeline. They are really amazing for those super straight shots that gently settle and hit the ground. Grab a beautiful Tour Series Squall today!

DGA says this about the run: “This artwork by Thought Space Athletics is sure to turn heads, and the promise of the consistent and versatile flight your customers trust from the Squall will ensure this is a popular item for your store.  This year’s Squalls were run in a Swirly ProLine Flex blend. “

SKU: squall_SCglowflex Categories: , , Tags: , , , ,
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - orange - somewhat-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 179-1g - green Orange Green (3) – Somewhat Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 179.1g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - orange - pretty-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 179-2g - blue Orange Blue (2) – Pretty Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 179.2g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - orange - pretty-flat - somewhat-gummy - 175-176g - 176-3g - teal Orange Teal (2) – Pretty Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 175-176g 176.3g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - pretty-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 178-2g - gold Blue Gold (2) – Pretty Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 178.2g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - pretty-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 178-8g - green Blue Green (2) – Pretty Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 178.8g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - somewhat-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 178-2g - blue Blue Blue (3) – Somewhat Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 178.2g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - glow - pretty-flat - somewhat-gummy - 177g-2 - 178-4g - pink-lines Glow Pink Lines (2) – Pretty Flat (3) – Somewhat Gummy 177+g 178.4g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - glow - pretty-flat - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-6g - gold-holographic Glow Gold Holographic (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.6g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-0g - purple-lines White Purple Lines (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.0g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - neutral - neutral - 175-176g - 176-0g - green Blue Green (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175-176g 176.0g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 177-6g - pink-hexagons White Pink Hexagons (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 177.6g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-6g - pink-hexagons White Pink Hexagons (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.6g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 177-7g - gold-dots-mini Blue Gold Dots – Mini (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 177.7g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - blue - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-8g - red-squares Blue Red Squares (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.8g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - orange - neutral - neutral - 175-176g - 176-3g - pink-hexagons Orange Pink Hexagons (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175-176g 176.3g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-4g - green-matrix White Green Matrix (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.4g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 175-176g - 177-1g - silver White Silver (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175-176g 177.1g $22.99
Squall - Shasta Criss OTB Glow Flex - white - neutral - neutral - 177g-2 - 178-8g - pink-lines White Pink Lines (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 177+g 178.8g $22.99


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