Cosmic Neutron Flare


Cosmic Neutron Flare – This is the overstable fairway from Streamline, giving them a workhorse fairway than can handle any headwind. It is a flat 9 speed driver that feels great both forehand and backhand. You will be able to throw smooth flex shots and big hyzers. For players with a powerful forehand, this disc is perfect, it feels great in the hand due to its low profile and also has a ton of high and low speed stability without being overly beefy. Streamline is part of the MVP/Axiom banner, but without the overmold. It is similar in flight to both the Motion and the Fireball.

Streamline says this about the mold: “The Flare is an overstable distance driver from Streamline and is designed for flights with a minimal turn, ending with a powerfully overstable finish, and a reserved glide to prevent going long on the approach. The Flare is in the 19mm Driver class and is the first Streamline Speed 9 disc. A truly versatile disc whether fans are looking for something that can handle even the highest power throws, fighting the strongest winds, or for a wide range of utility shots, the Flare can handle them all. Burning brightly on the course, the Streamline Flare is coming to the rescue!”

SKU: csmc-ntrn-flar Categories: , Tag:
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil 3 Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-blue-white - teal - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 176-0g Blend – Blue White Teal (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 176.0g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-pink-yellow-2 - blue-purple-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 175-6g Blend – Pink / Yellow Blue/Purple Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.6g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-blue-pink - pink-purp-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 176-2g Blend – Blue/Pink Pink/Purp Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 176.2g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-blue-pink - redorange - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 175-0g Blend – Blue/Pink Red/Orange (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.0g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-pink-yellow-2 - green - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 175-3g Blend – Pink / Yellow Green (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.3g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-bluegreen - light-blue - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 175-7g Blend – Blue/Green Light Blue (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.7g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - pink - gold - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-0g Pink Gold (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.0g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-pinkgreen - blue-yellow-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-4g Blend – Pink/Green Blue/Yellow Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.4g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - orange - rainbow-gold-red - pretty-flat - neutral - 173g - 174-8g Orange Rainbow – Gold/Red (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 174.8g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - light-tan - pink-purp-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-1g Light Tan Pink/Purp Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.1g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - yellowgreen - blue - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 176-0g Yellow/Green Blue (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 176.0g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - bluepurple - gold - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 176-0g Blue/Purple Gold (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 176.0g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-bluepurple - blue - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-7g Blend – Blue/Purple Blue (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.7g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - green-light-green - pink-purp-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-2g Green/Light Green Pink/Purp Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.2g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-yellow-orange-blue - red-purple-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 175-5g Blend – Yellow Orange Blue Red/Purple Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.5g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-bluegreen - blue-purple-fade - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 176-1g Blend – Blue/Green Blue/Purple Fade (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 176.1g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - gray - gold - pretty-flat - neutral - 174g - 175-8g Gray Gold (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 175.8g $16.99
Cosmic Neutron Flare - blend-blue-pink-purple - redorange - pretty-flat - neutral - 175g - 176-2g Blend – Blue/Pink/Purple Red/Orange (2) – Pretty Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 176.2g $16.99


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