Champion I-Dye Leopard

Champion Leopard – One of the stalwart discs in the Innova lineup. In the Champion plastic, it is a signature disc for Barry Schultz who throws some of the smoothest shots in the game. The Leopard has been carving up fairways since its’ inception back in 1999. A great straight to slightly understable (very understable for the highest arm speeds), the Leopard is ready to do some serious heavy lifting in your bag. The Champion plastic is some of the most durable plastic there is and also has a great feel to it. Grab a Barry Shultz Champion Leopard today!

Innova says this about the mold: “The Leopard should be everyone’s first fairway driver as it is has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance stretching “Hyzer Flip” shots. The Leopard makes a dependable long range roller.”

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