Softy Fudge


Fudge is our first beaded putter, is a delightful addition to our lineup. Just like our beloved Popcorn, Fudge features a reliable hand feel. However, what sets Fudge apart is its consistent stability and fade at the end of its flight.

SOFTY is a putter plastic that provides maximum grip and flexibility for better throws and improved performance.

SKU: sfty-fudge Categories: , Tag:
Thumbnail Color Stamp Foil Flatness Stiffness Weight Scaled Weight PriceQuantity
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 170g - 171-3g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 170g 171.3g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - somewhat-flat - neutral - 172g - 171-3g White Blue (3) – Somewhat Flat (4) – Neutral Stiffness 172g 171.3g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 175g - 175-0g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 175g 175.0g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 173g - 172-7g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 173g 172.7g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 171g - 170-9g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 171g 170.9g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 174g - 174-6g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 174g 174.6g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 170g - 171-1g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 170g 171.1g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 171g - 171-1g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 171g 171.1g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - blue - neutral - neutral - 171g - 172-2g White Blue (4) – Neutral Flatness (4) – Neutral Stiffness 171g 172.2g $14.99
Softy Fudge - white - red - neutral - pretty-gummy - 172g - 172-3g White Red (4) – Neutral Flatness (2) – Pretty Gummy 172g 172.3g $14.99


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